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Dirty Drains? 6 Things That Could Be Lurking Inside

Admin • Dec 18, 2018

If you don't think you need to have your drains cleaned, think again. Even if your drains appear to flow smoothly, you could still have some pretty disgusting debris down there. After all, not everything you flush passes all the way through to the sewer system. Not only that, but your drains are a natural breeding ground for other problems.

If you haven't cleaned your drains in a while, here are six things that could be lurking in your plumbing.

1. Drain Flies

If you've got small furry moth-like flies in your home, especially in your kitchen and bathrooms, chances are good that your drains are dirty. Drain flies live and breed in dirty drains. When the drains become dry, the flies make their way up into your home. They're not harmful to you or your home, but they are a nuisance.

In most cases, drain flies will go away on their own. However, if you've got drain flies that won't go away, you need to have your drains cleaned.

2. Toxic Mold

When you think of places for toxic mold to grow in your home, you probably think of areas like your laundry room, or inside the walls. However, toxic mold can actually grow right inside your drains. Mold needs dark, moist places to grow, and your drains provide just that.

Unfortunately, when you have mold in your drains, spores can come up into your home each time you run the water. If you smell a dank, moldy odor in your drains, you should contact your plumber right away. Once you've had your drains cleaned, flush your drains with baking soda and vinegar once a week.

3. Rodents

If the idea of rodents in your toilet sounds like a horror movie, you should probably have your drains cleaned. Sewer rats are small enough to crawl through the sewer lines. When they find a dirty drain, they'll use the debris to provide shelter and food for their offspring.

Unfortunately, if you have rats in your drains, they'll eventually crawl up through the pipes into your toilet or tub. The best way to keep sewer rats out of your plumbing is to have your drains cleaned about once a year.

4. Greasy Hair

Each time you shower, you lose a few strands of hair. All that hair ends up in the drain. However, not all of the hair washes all the way out to the sewer. Some of the strands stay behind in your drains. Over time, you end up with a massive clog of greasy hair.

You can flush the drain with hot water after each shower to help push the hair through the drains, but that won't completely alleviate the problem. The only way to thoroughly rid your pipes of the greasy hair clogs is to have your drains cleaned.

5. Fecal Matter

If you can smell human waste permeating through the air in your home, there's a good chance that your drains are coated with fecal matter. Most fecal matter gets pushed through the pipes. However, some remnants remain behind and create a smelly mess inside your drains. Routine drain maintenance will keep your drains clean and the odors away.

6. Tree Roots

Trees spread their roots throughout the yard in search of water. When they can't find enough in the soil, they'll break through your pipes. Unfortunately, drain pipes aren't equipped to withstand the pressure that comes from oversized roots. The best way to protect your pipes and prevent serious damage is to have your drains cleaned with an auger or high-pressure plumber’s jet.

Don't live with dirty drains. Contact the professionals at Michigan Plumbing. We’ll clear out your drains and eliminate the problems.

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